Get In Touch

(281) 891-3105

16635 Spring Cypress Rd #2975

Cypress, TX 77429

Frequently Asked Questions!

Our refund and returns policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund or exchange. Please refer to our full Refunds and Returns policy here.

Yes, our products are sourced from US Suppliers and Wholesalers to ensure top quality products.

Yes, we offer free shipping for US domestic orders (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, and US Territories).

No, order as little or as much to your heart’s desire!

Currently, we are only handling domestic US orders only.

We hope you don’t have any problems with any products you ordered,  but in the rare case that you do, please email with your Order #, Full Name, phone number, and with a description of the problem you have.